Instructor Led & Self Paced Courses FAQ
Self paced courses are available to you where you will be responsible for completing course activities at your own pace. Self-paced courses are not taught by a teacher. There are no live sessions included.
Tutor/Teacher Led courses are designed to provide one-on-one or one-to-many coaching and tutoring help to students. Experienced teachers provide course curriculum, class plan, and chat support, and live sessions to its students.
mElimu will market your courses all around the globe. mElimu has more than 1Million students on its platform and will also use social media and search engine marketing to bring students to your courses.
The best part is you don't have to pay anything for this, mElimu does it for you and charges only when a student pays and enrolls in your course.
Online Self Learning Courses are designed for self-directed training, allowing participants to begin at their convenience with structured training and review exercises to reinforce learning. You'll learn through videos, PPTs and complete assignments, quizzes and other activities designed to enhance learning outcomes all at times that are most convenient to you.
Major activities in Self Paced courses are
- Self study videos and other material
- Assignments
- Practice Quiz
- Forums and Discussions
Teachers can send feedback on assignments to the students and participate with students through forums.
Instructor-led training is the practice of training and learning material between an instructor and learners, either individuals or groups.
This type of training is facilitated by an instructor either online or in a classroom setting. Instructor-led training allows for learners and instructors or facilitators to interact and discuss the training material, either individually or in a group setting.
You can use Live Classes to setup sessions and then give activities to students to complete assignments, quizzes etc.
You have to just sign-up with us, create & publish your course and it will be reached globally to students.
While publishing the course setup a course fee.
Once a studentcome to our platform and enroll in your course, you will be paid per enrollment after mElimu takes its commission.
Platform is free for teachers to enroll as many students as they like till May 15, 2020. You may contact us at to get more details about our pricing structure.
mElimu will give the money at the end of every month in your designated account according to your contract with us.
You may send a support request via email to We will respond to all of the support requested as soon as possible.
You can download our app from google play store click here